Saturday 16 February 2008

For more read Lynne in the Western Mail today

The Starfish Story
There are several versions of this great fable ‘The Starfish Thrower’ by L Eiseley.
A woman was walking along a beach in the hot midday sun. As she walked along she scooped up the starfish that were stranded on the beach and threw them gently back into the waves. A man came along and asked her what she was doing. She explained that the tide had gone out and left the starfish stranded on the beach. They would die in the heat before the tide came back in, so she was throwing them back into the sea to save them.
The man replied, “But the beach is so long and there are hundreds of starfish. Most will die before you even reach them. Do you really think throwing a few back into the sea is really going to make a difference?”
As the woman picked up another starfish she looked at it and smiled. Then as she threw it back into the waves she said, “It makes a difference to that one” .

Did You Know?
Nylon was patented by DuPont 70 years ago today. Old tights and stockings make excellent ‘ties’ for staking and tying trees, climbers and taller shrubs. They stretch as the plant grows and won’t cut into the bark.

Super Snowdrops

According to legend, the snowdrop became the symbol of hope when Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden. When Eve could hardly bear the Winter weather any longer, an angel appeared and turned some of the snowflakes to snowdrop flowers to reassure her that winter would turn into Spring.

Feline Forecast
When the cat lies in the sun in February,
She will lie beside the stove in March.